Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Reunion 2018

Donning outfits, having fun
Dinner, wine and maybe even a morning run
Was on the cards, but little did I know …

Little did I know what was to hit me
Little did I know what was in store
Little did I know I’ll be light headed and heavy hearted
Little did I know I’ll keep longing for more …

While the sun rose and set for two days straight
We stirred twenty years of marinated stories and emotions
In a big pot
Each cook taking turn to add in spices
The pot bubbled and gurgled
Alive with tales hitherto untold
Buried in deep corners of the mind, now laid bare
The aroma wafted, getting us high (the weed less kind)
Each one eagerly waited for our share …

Finally we sampled our fruits of labor
It wasn’t sweet, spicy, savory or tart
It was an inexplicable finger licking goodness
Guess the main ingredient was matters of the heart …

Back home I tried replicating in my kitchen
We didn’t jot down the recipe in our haste
Everything went haywire
Now all that remains is the lingering taste …

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