Thursday, April 28, 2016

Catching up and Letting Go

" Is been ages since I wrote...its time ...."
" Write? Of course I want to but where is the time even to die...."
" I think of prose in my head....what I would write if there was a keyboard in front of me....if I wasn't cooking/cleaning/working/driving....."
"If you really really like to do something you'll make time for it...."

Played around with these and many such openings. Settling for this.

Life is good. Yes, as I have known it. Recently I did some reading about the Fermi Paradox and seriously "Where is everybody"? And that led to the realization we are such a tiny speck in the fathomless universe, kind of zoomed out and zoomed in and I stayed where I was. And lo I had the perspective. There were "better" off folks than me there were "worse" off folks than me. Its all relative. Sometimes the "better" and "worse" flips buckets with time. You know what I mean? What was "worse" is now "better" and vice versa. So maybe the dimension I need to always keep in mind is time and "this too shall pass ".....

Ok enough philosophy. Lets get back to conversations. There have been so many interesting ones during dinner. Usually it is the boys babbling between them which is invariably around minecraft or Pokémon. I had refused to be pulled into anything that has video games connotation but soon realized that I cannot shy away from the single most important thing for the boys. So I spent my precious time learning how to play Minecraft and Pokémon. Minecraft seems way easier than Pokémon and I am aware that sheds light on my mathematical abilities. So I will stop there.

Coming back to dinner table conversations. The one that stands out ( I realize there has been way too many dinners since I last wrote) was when Papa and Mommy was super funny and laughing all the time rather than redirecting the boys' focus on eating. They even said you can leave your food on the plate. And I am not telling you what transpired before dinner time to bring out this "best" behavior (from the kids' perspective) in us. That story some other time.

So it was a conversation about names and meanings.

"I have a person in my class named Yaya" Manav said and added " I am not being racist when I say that he is colored"
"You have a person in class named Yaya?" I asked
"Ya" he answered and rolled with laughter

And the other time we went to Walmart and ended up letting the kids buy junk food like pizza and ice cream. They came home and Manav said "Are you sure you're our parents? Sometimes I feel you put on our parents masks and when we sleep you take them off and become aliens. Its scary" So being extra nice when most of the times you're lousy comes with some questions. 

Tough Life .......Shows that I started writing this page an year ago. At least I finished, that's something.

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