Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Four more reasons

“Prove yourself” he said 
“Your future is bright , just get on his good side” he said
“If that doesn’t work, move over, others want you…”

Then it started 

Before I could even figure it out, I was out

Cornered, bullied, humiliated, stripped of dignity 

Bit by bit, blow by blow

I was slaughtered at the altar of ego

Ego so strong, almost ludicrous 

Sibling rivalry is the closest I had come across

Till now 

That day 

Victim, discrimination, harassment, authority, power, gender all took on a new meaning 

I was fined, but I’m not fine

“High IQ, zero EQ” he said 

“It’s needed, I’m too soft” he said

“Once in a while we get caught in cross fire, 

That’s the price of war” he said

Overnight reduced to a wobbly mess

Perfectly fine one moment

To break out in sweat the very next

Waking up for no reason 

Cannot breathe, heavy chest 

Why, what, when, how, where 

Questions plague me 

Self doubt paramount 

Slew of emotions, roller coaster

Words abound still I struggle

To describe, articulate


“Take a break, start a company”

“I’m there to help” he said 

He said plenty more 

Only words unsaid 

“I’m sorry, I let this happen”

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