Saturday, January 29, 2011

Index Post

Well I thought of writing an index page which will kind of initiate you to our world, the world of two boys and two (over) before I write my first post, I need to pen this one and if I delay any further (have been thinking of starting a blog since time immemorial) the boys will be all grown up and their childhood antics and most importantly the "conversations" will be lost.

The days in the Parekh household are divided into weekdays and weekends. That's the norm, you'll say but wait till you see the unique differentiators. So in a weekday, ok before I write about the day I definitely need to throw some light on the previous night. We start off with a nice boys-in-their-bedroom and parents-in-theirs, in good days by 8PM and bad days 9PM, but at night unbeknowest to me ( as I sleep like a baby !!) osmosis and reverse osmosis happens between their and our bedroom with the not so thin membrane (living room) inbetween. Boys are walking, rather sleep walking all through the course of the night and its a good guessing game as to who will wake up in whose bed and in which side !! But that is one thing I absolutely adore about my husband, managing the somnambulism.

Ok so coming back to a typical weekday, I wake up at 6:30 AM trying to shut off the alarm in case the kid next to me (yes it is always a kid) wakes up as well, sometimes I am successful and those are good days when I get a few moment of uninterrupted ablution time before I plunge headlong into "conversations". The mornings are esp great time to hear the boys, bubbling with energy and bright ideas ("Mommy I already switched on the kitchen light so you can make chai for papa") and its usually difficult to match with correct or rather relevant answers to their questions ("Mommy why did you close the bathroom door, what are you doing inside?"). Then they leave for school and when I pick them up is another period where they are still continuing chirping but I am already running out of steam. During and post lunch (yes, they are home by 11:30 AM) conversation is mostly not that intellectual and depending on whether the little one is sleepy (Manav is outgrowing his afternoon naps) continues into late evening. And then peppered with TV, weather dependent outings, library, its time for dinner, a table full of family conversation. Then brush, read and off to bed.

The weekends are similar but the morning doesn't start at 6:30 AM. It starts at 7AM for them but we deploy all possible tactics to extend the in bed period. Some good days Manav takes charge and closes our bedroom door saying "Arnav let's go. Mommy and Papa need to sleep" and leaves us alone for 5 mins. And other days (most) its four of us in cuddled in the queen bed, squealing and giggling and talking and also trying to sleep.

On one such weekend morning, Manav decided to be the doctor and of course Arnav was one too. Caunteya (my husband) said his ear is hurting and Manav takes a peek and says "It has some pointed germs" and blows them away with his "tools". And Arnav wants to take an X-ray of his ears, so gets his camera, tells Papa to turn and show his ear and smile :-). Then he gets a hammer and tap-tap on his head to make the ear better.

You know the feeling when inevitably the movie isn't better than the book, its the same when I am writing. The actual events are much more entertaining than the read but I will strive to bring in as much reality as possible with my limited literary skills. So go ahead plunge into conversations.

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