Sunday, January 30, 2011

Manav's conversations....

All in a nutshell from my old diary where I jotted these and some from memory, enjoy:

- Over breakfast " You're not eating your waffles. Soccer teamers will be very dissapointed of you Arnav"

- While playing soccer in the patio "Arnav lets go inside and play (its carpet). The hard floor is damaging my cleats"

- On hearing thunder " Maybe a dinosaur is trying to start a car'

- Looking out of a window "The trees are not blowing away Mommy"
"Yeah the storm stopped"
"You're a good boy storm"

- I told him "You're an angel Manav"
"No Mommy I am Andrew" (Angel is girls' name I am a boy)

- One morning " Papa you are so lucky"
"Why Manav?"
"Because your children brush"

- I was overjoyed at something "You'll be a star Manav"
"No, I don't want to be a star"
"What do you want to be?"
" I want to be nothing"

- Papa says while rubbing cheeks with Manav " Manav how is your skin so smooth and mine is rough?"
"I don't know, maybe because I talk smooth and you talk rough"

- "You like your brother Manav?"
" Yes, a little bit"
"Do you like Mommy?"
"Yes, too much"

- "Mommy can I take the toothpaste that is in your bathroom"
" Can I just borrow it then?"

Just so that you know Manav has passions.....sports, toothpastes, clothes, music and books.....Someday I will shed light on these.

While I am typing these he is watching "Finding Nemo" on TV.....and saying "Mommy I want Nemo to get back to his father, now" he is very involved and almost teary....and insists I absolutely must go back and watch with him....

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