Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beetles and Paradise

Again all of us woke up on the same bed. This is becoming a regular now, if only this blog wasn't all about the boys I would have written a whole essay on 'Sleeping with the kids'. Manav immediately assumed the authoritarian role and jumped out of bed
"When will you wake up Papa?."
"In five minutes" the usual reply from Caunteya but
"Go start the hourglass and when it is done call me" this addition jump started the day.

Manav and Arnav brought out the hourglass and stared at it while the sand fell. Manav said
"Arnav I am going to susu. No touching the hourglass. Just look at it. I am watching you"
He came right back from the bathroom.
"Mommy where is the susu stool ( the step stool) ?"
"Why Manav, you don't need that any more" I said
"No I want to keep a watch on Arnav, from the mirror" he has figured out that he can see the living room reflected in the bathroom mirror with the door open and a little height.

He came out and said
"Did you touch the hourglass Arnav?"
"No, I just did this " Arnav said wagging his little finger infront of the hourglass
"Did you do this on the carpet or the hourglass?" Manav asked alternately touching the carpet and the hourglass.
"I did this" Arnav chose the hourglass.
"Arnav, look at me. Are you lying?" Manav asked sternly
Arnav dilly dallied.
"Arnav, answer me" more anger
"Yes" Arnav said
"Then you did this on the carpet. You didn't touch the hourglass" Manav was visibly more relieved than Arnav.

On the way back from school they discussed the beetle that Manav had in his class.
"What is the name of the bug Manav?" I asked
"It is a beetle. It was climbing the stick and not eating the leaf" said Manav
"It's name is grouchy ladybug" said Arnav
"No, it is a beetle, not a ladybug" and thus started the war.
Immediately after reaching home Manav changed into his soccer attire. He said
"I will eat my lunch and drink my lemonade and go for a match. It is in my elementary school"
"Elementary school?" I said
"I am pretending that I am in elementary school. In middle school you play football, in high school you play tennis and in college you play taekwondo" Manav said
"No boxing. Boxing can break your things" he continued, pointing to his nose.

During lunch Manav posed flexing his muscles saying
"So much chana will make me strong"
"Please give me so much chana, Mommy" Arnav said
Then Arnav happily started munching his green beans and cheese. I offered him a napkin to clean his hands and face and he said
"When I eat cheese I don't need tissue. I lick my fingers."

Manav said "Sidney's brother Sammy is 7 years old. And he cheats Sidney and Sidney cheats him back"
"Other Sammy is 9" said Arnav
"No Sammy is 7 Arnav"
"Other Sammy is 9" said Arnav again. I intervened saying there must be another Sammy
"Is other Sammy's brother's name Sidney Arnav?" asked Manav
"Then it is the same Sammy and he is 7" concluded Manav

Another gorgeous evening and we went out for some real soccer. They were very happy as they were allowed to wear shorts. I have to now deal with all the scraped knees for the umpteen times they fell down.

Arnav enjoyed some time on his car fetching grapes and oranges from Walmart, till he was asked to share with the owner of the car.

Arnav changed into his guitar night dress and sang 
"Oh think twice its another day for you and me in paradise" and "Take it easy" playing his guitar.

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