Friday, February 18, 2011

Party Poopers

A very busy day and I have a headache. Had no time to listen to the kids, kept them engaged with TV, candies and toys, I know have been a bad mother today. I had too many things to take care of. No more elaborations.

We woke up pretty early today thanks to the boys. On the breakfast table they were playing with the candy box which had the mango candies from India. Arnav said
"Don't eat them Manav. Germs will have a party on your teeth"
"If we eat them and don't brush THEN the germs will have a party" Manav said
"Panty pooper" said Arnav and giggled
"No, its party pooper Arnav. Can you say par-ty?"
"Par-ty" said Arnav
"Great, now say Party pooper"
"Party pooper" said Arnav and both burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Yesterday when Manav came back from school, I said
"Manav I miss you all day. Don't go to school tomorrow"
"But Mommy I need to steady"
"You mean study Manav?"
"Yes, does this look like a school to you?" encompassing the whole living room with his little palms
"Then, then how can I study here? I have to go to school"
"Ok" I said
He came over and gave me a big hug
"I will always come back to you. Come back soon Mommy" he said and I choked.

Today he was  playing with a toy bin. He told Arnav to climb in it and he pretended he was bathing Arnav in it
"Arnav soap and shampoo for you. Cry now with a tiny voice"
Arnav cried "eeen eeen eeen"
"Now close your eyes, there will be water in your eyes." More Manav chatter

Then he got inside the bin and then they both got inside it. Arnav went out and Manav's weight now made him step on side of the bin instead of the bottom and he fell with the other side of the bin hitting him on the face. He cut his cheek and was bleeding a little. I said
"Don't worry Manav it will heal. Just close your mouth and don't cry."
Some sugar and water later Manav said
"Mommy let me watch some TV. It will lean by then" he meant 'heal' of course.
And he watched quite some TV saying
"It hasn't yet leaned" and I let him as I had other stuff to attend. Of course I corrected him,
"It is not 'lean' , it is 'heal'".

Some pictures of the "spring in dallas evening"

They love "reading" the pictures of the man/child getting electrocuted in all the streetside electric boxes but that doesn't keep them from climbing/playing on/around them. What might scare them is threats that they will have to go to the doctor if they are hurt and the doctor will run out of lollipops or something silly like that.

Arnav tried in vain...Manav was too heavy for him. Manav in turn had a great time pushing Arnav in this borrowed stroller.

After a movie and some chinese takeout that's all I got for you. More later.

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