Friday, February 4, 2011

Snowman and Ramayan

We started the day at 5:30 AM today when Arnav decided to wake up and didn't go back to bed. And that's an whole hour ahead of Caunteya who started working at 4:30 AM !! We were lounging on our snowflake pillows by the window watching the snow showers and trying to figure out where the sidewalk ended and the street started and which part was once a parking lot.

Before bedtime everyday we do clean up, which means all toys in the living room have to be put in the toyroom, else toy fairy takes the toys away. Its too tempting to just carry all the stuff inside ourselves as it takes ages for those little hands and they get easily distracted and start playing midway. Also, somedays Manav just gives up and says
"Its OK toy fairy can have those"
Yesterday, Manav with both his hands full:
"I have two hands so cannot hold three things ( as I was still pointing out things to be taken inside). Cannot have hands all over, right?" with his signature toothy grin.

Yesterday, Manav convinced me to read the 'Ramayana' book by "You want me to not love you ?" No bias but I particularly dislike reading that book, it is one of those comic books which has vivid images of demons, bloodsheds and battlefields. But that was one of the favorite read when the grandparents were around hence they got introduced. But it was out of the game for a long time until Manav got his hands on it yesterday. I read it in a baritone as is the ritual so that it aids in their sleepiness  but that's a bit difficult to pull it off with Ramayana. And the boys had so many questions it was almost impossible.

Today morning after donning their outdoor sports attire - tracks and solid t-shirts and multiple socks I found them absorbed in their cars. The back of the couch was the driving zone and Arnav was given the baby car (pink Chuki) and Manav had the others and was rescuing Chuki as she was tied down with snakes.
"Call garuta(Garuda) Arnav, she will save you from the snakes"
A while later he said
"Arnav don't go there, lots of snakes, curly snakes, if they don't hear you talk then they go away, they slither away"
The ground for Arnav accepting the baby car was set at the breakfast table, earlier today.
"Arnav you're a baby"
"No, I am not'
"Do you want mommy to feed you?"
"Then you're a baby, big boys eat by themselves"
"I am a baby"
"OK, do you like plain milk?" (Tricky question, easy to fall in the trap)
"No, I like chocolate milk"
"Oh you're a big boy then....babies drink plain milk."
"I am a big boy"
"Then Mommy will not feed you"
"I am a baby" and so on and on it goes.

Chuki, McQueen, Antonio and DJ in that order. Note that DJ is yet to come back to all blue, he's also the "rude" car and sometimes Manav convinces Arnav to take it "Arnav you can be rude if you take this car." I guess its the scowl on DJ's face, contrast that to the smiling Chuki.

Here Manav is reading Ramayana as I refused to do so.
"This guy threw the wicked lady away. His father died and brother is in the jungle because of her Arnav" (About Bharat showing Manthara the door)
"Oh. Who's this guy Manav?"
"The blue one? He's Rama"
"So Ravan became a deer and Sita told Ram "Hey go get that deer for me" Manav says.
Arnav chimes in "They draw a circle"
"Yes, so Sita is protected. And look here how Supernakha's(Surpnakha) nose is cut ?  Just like Bablu mama cut Mommy's doll's nose when they were kids"
"I don't like monsters. I like monkeys" Arnav goes on to add.

Then we went out to play in the snow. This is the boys' first outing since Tuesday, they were thrilled....just refused to come back in, we carried them trashing and kicking. 

And we built Frosty the snowman

I must mention that Manav has been very irritable and irritating all these days. Quite normal as we have been castled in the house for fourth day in a row but it can get on your nerves I swear. So after dinner today I was very surprised by his sweet talk
"Mommy I am sorry"
"It's ok Manav" I said without bothering about the context
"I was standing on the bar stool, thats why" Manav made sure I got it
Then he added " I want to do you a favor Mommy" and started cleaning bits of paper from the carpet.
I offered him a cookie and he returned it saying
"I don't want it Mommy. You may eat it if you want or not eat it if you don't want."

Arnav gets very little airtime in here, mostly because he is still building his conversational skills. But you'll be surprised at what all he says being all of 2 years and 6 months old:
- " I am not dead any more " After Manav pronounced him dead, they were pretend paying dinosaurs or something.
- "Hey non't laugh at me" When he did something and we were laughing
- "I am damaged and crashed" When Manav hit his car
- "Its not dark" when he doesn't want to nap in the afternoon

And more often than not his english gets mixed with bengali
- " Papa 'bok' ('scolded') me."
- " I 'jherey dao' (shake off) the snow "
- " I like my 'choti' (slippers) and 'peltoon' (pants)"

Just now Manav told him "Ready Steady Go"
And Arnav said " No, no running please, its night"
Its too late and they are indulging in small talk, not good...they should be in bed. Off I go.


  1. The kids looks lovely playing in the snow ... I was craving all day to get out and may be pay ya'll a visit and play with the kids (outdoors), but it was a long working day! (still managed to get out for about 20 mins when the fire alarm went off in our building .. and built a snow fort!

  2. Thanks Sheetal for being such an ardent reader and thanks for the nice comments. Please come over any time, the boys keep mentioning your names
