Thursday, February 3, 2011

Motorcycle PJs and Tennis

Third day of no school in a row....looks like the whole week we'll be holed indoors....promise of snow tonight and tomorrow already on (can't help looking at it, as Manav always makes sure its displayed on my laptop when idle). Today only change is Caunteya went to work as "I am hardly getting any work done here" with the kids running amock that's expected.

Last night Manav added another toothpaste to his collection, the "travel toothpaste" (because of its teeny size), which he found in my cupboard. He was very happy and said " We will travel tomorrow in the highlander as its too dark to go now. And I am going to use my new toothpaste in the car"

Earlier today morning DJ (not me, the disney pixar car) had to sit outside in the patio so that he'd turn from blue to purple. It was my idea as it kept the kids busy for sometime. Then we got purple DJ in and waited too long for him to turn blue. Then I had to toast him over the chai (tea) steam to make him blue "now". All this had the kids enthralled and I just love to watch that look on their face. But then the house started getting colder as the patio door was being opened wider and that too, too many times. Trust Caunteya to come up with the brilliant idea of putting the car in the freezer instead. So Manav put DJ in the freezer and Arnav put "Mc Queem" (Mc Queen) in and I told them to count 100.  That kept them busy for some more time but posed the greater problem of "Mc Queem" not changing his color. Arnav was very sad and Manav, my saviour came to aid
"Arnav see this here, its black ( pointing at the wheels), it did change color, from red to black"
That seemed to convince Arnav.

I felt so wasted that I wanted to sew in the morning and ended up making a motorcycle pajama for Arnav....Manav told me "I don't wear pajamas in the morning" so was spared making a second pair. This time the boys actually sat through the entire sewing session and "helped" me.(that should tell you how long the actual work took, I am all for instant gratification)

Arnav happily posed for me in his new pajamas.

Then they played a long time (maybe 20 mins) with the "square thing that you use to make porota (paratha)" and the plastic margarita glasses. Manav "read" the instructions on the square paratha maker "This is made of metal, only adults can use it" and though Arnav said "I am adult", he refused to give it to him. Just when battleground was all set Manav put them aside and said "See even I cannot use this, only adults can" and then of course he sneaked them in the play.

Its amazing to watch how many games they played with those glasses, they doubled as drums, then cooking vessels, ice cream cups and then as stacking glasses.

Then Manav decided it was time to change again (2nd time). Here is the time to mention another of his passion "changing clothes" maybe 6-7 times a day depending on the number of avatars he is engaging in. In the picture above he had already changed from night clothes to his "office clothes" complete with the formal pants and black socks and black shoes. So now he changed to his tennis attire.

Look at the socks, those are Caunteya's regular tennis socks. He couldn't find his wrist band and concluded toy fairy has taken it away as he didn't clean up after playing.
"Maybe I can ask Santa to get me one"
"Hmm " I said
"Or maybe we can go to Walmart and buy one. Let's go"
"Its too dangerous to drive. The car will skid"
"The car can skate on ice and we will reach Walmart"
"No Manav" I was becoming impatient and thankfully he left me at that.

Then he asks Arnav to get his phone and dials "Hello Keshav?(Caunteya's tennis partner) Is Sheetal aunty coming? ok bye".
Now comes the interesting part, which car will he drive in. Arnav wants Mommy's highlander but Papa (Manav) will only drive in Corolla. So here's my salesperson of the year Manav
"Lets go in the Corolla Arnav, thats what for tennis"
"No, highlander"
"Which car do you want (shows the disney pixar cars parking lot)?"
"This one" Arnav points to a pink car Chuki.
"This is pink, are you a girl Arnav?"
"I am a girl"
"See Arnav starts with 'A' Corolla starts with 'A' (whispers audibly to me , "I know Corolla starts with 'K' he doesn't), lets go in Corolla"
"No, highlander"
"You'll get jelly beans if you go in Corolla"
"OK, Corolla"
So, he helps put seat belt on Arnav and drives to tennis court. There he plays a few "shots" and asks Arnav to fetch the ball which Arnav does. Then game is over and time to go home but Arnav now wants to play. Manav starts
"Please get in the car Arnav, its too cold to play now"
"I am freezing, do you want me to turn to a statue?"
"Ok, I am leaving you here, bye"
Arnav runs to me in the kitchen and says
"No dada. I wany mommy"

Then Arnav wanted to go pee and Manav yells
"The restroom is down the hallway on your left Arnav"

This is after they woke up from their nap....Manav is riding the "motorcycle". Please note that Manav is now wearing two socks after raiding Papa's dresser.  

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Read DJ ... I finally got to read sth on my umpteenth visit to your blog ... but glad to see (read) they mention our name ... Aah, I love 'em both all the more with each read ... did I tell you that I read each of your blogs atleast twice - once to myself and the next time aloud, for Keshav .. and we chat about it endlessly .. you've got lovely children .. touch wood!

    And BTW, your Driving me nuts blog inspired me to cook spaghetti for the first time last night ... and we both absolutely loved it ... But your version looked yummier.. so be prepared for my call seeking the recipe! Take care sweety!
