Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Waffles and Nadal

Now the best babysitter TV is working and I have a few minutes to write. Of course lunch is pending as so are many other things...

So yesterday after coming from school Manav was hell bent upon having waffles for lunch. (This is the result of Caunteya convincing me to involve the kids in grocery and cooking so that they eat what they buy and make. I think he oversold the chocolate chip waffles to our sponge Manav. And I know Caunteya bought them as they have Fiber and Antioxidants, really ??) He was wailing that I promised him while climbing the stairs that I will give him waffles for lunch, I feigned no knowledge of such a promise. Anyways while he ate his waffles I fed him the roti and subji as I had spent the entire morning trying to make roti(and cleanup thereafter) not because I was concerned about his nutrition. Needless to say Arnav also wanted to have waffles. But the disconcerting fact was I also had waffles for lunch. That's too much publicity for Kellogs' Chocolate Chip Waffles.

All fed they started playing their favorite game of ice hockey. Arnav insisted that I walk on the "sidewalk" as its all ice  in the living room. Manav said "Arnav you need to wear socks, your feet are cold from the ice". And then got him the socks and helped him wear the same. Did I mention that they have their own dresser? (the plastic storage drawers from walmart which I bought when Manav had a nasty accident when the heavy dresser of ours tipped when he climbed on the last drawer to reach the one which housed his shorts).

Note the Ice-hockey pajamas that Arnav is wearing. Manav is in his usual "number" T-shirt and tracks.

Yesterday evening I embarked on a project to make bise bele bhaat (BBB)....though the same was not an outright success still that was for dinner and I had to sell it the kids. Arnav ate as it had corn (now you know one of the reasons why BBB wasnt great, I used frozen vegetables) and Caunteya again sold it saying he'll become strong as a rock if he ate it. Manav didnt buy into that, he wanted plain rice and dal. Caunteya chipped in
"This is rice and dal"
"Nooo, this isn't. This is not yellow. I want yellow rice and dal"
"Then what color is this?"
"It is brown"(Another reason for the bad BBB, I didn't use the 10 red chillies as in the recipe....I mean who would use 10?, hence the not red color)
"Well brown and yellow are same colors"
Yeah, tell that to a kid who can now spell his colors. So Manav comes up with this
"Papa I want rice and Nadal'
and on and on he goes with the same chant until we give in laughing. He finally had his one roti and chicken( some old grilled chicken from Sat) and an orange.

Ok gotta go now coz Manav is asking for "rectangle crackers" with the cover whose cover had some white milk picture on it (???) which is a cue that he wants lunch.....rest later then.

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