Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Live on Air

How one's mood and health can affect the way one behaves with the kids and how they mirror the same bad behaviour, is understated. It happened to me today and I must confess that this isn't the first time. But then the sunshine made it all go away (wish it were that simple). But for Manav weather is all about looking at that golden page from weather.com on my laptop. He calls this the "weather that doesn't talk" and the one on TV is the "weather that talks". So he explains to Arnav
"See the sun there? It's very strong today, just like the Packer guys. Then there will be howling winds, see the white things there, that's wind. And then the cold will become stronger than the sun" (That's the weather for 'Right Now', 'Tonight' and 'Tomorrow'). Now it is 52F ( That means 25F, he always reads it the other way)"
"Yes, F for fish" Arnav says.
"No, F for fahrenheit."
"Noooo, F for fish" and goes on till I intervene.

On my way back from school yesterday Manav was particularly cranky. Once I took the right turn he goes "Go straight, no turning right."
"But Manav you have to tell me before I take the turn, now it is too late" I said
"You have to remember Mommy. I cannot keep repeating things. You have to go straight everyday"
"But Manav the straight way is longer"
"I want to go longer way. I like long drives"
Seeing this wasn't going anywhere I came up with something like this
"If we take the longer way everyday we use more gas, that means we spend more money, so there will be less money left to buy cool things like candy and toys"
That seemed to put his mind in the thinking gear till he found something else to whine about.

Today on way back I asked him, "Manav which way do you want me to go?"
"Right Mommy. If we go straight we will buy gas and not cool things like popcorn and candy corn. There will be no money Mommy." Mission accomplished for now at least. I smile.

In times of true self reflection I see that I am not really paying attention to what the boys are saying most of the time. But then they talk non-stop. So today Manav was saying something over and over again which sounded like "I want air Mommy". At first I was a little concerned thinking he might be sick but then disregarded when it became repetitive. Only over lunch I figured out what he was saying
"When we listen to radio Mommy they say live on air, I also want live on air. What is it?"
First I laugh and they join in and then I try to explain what that means and the look on his face tells me how bad a job I did.

Today, I did a better job of providing lunch. Mommy what do you think?

Arnav's plate was similar just that he had loads of broccoli in his. Couldn't take a picture of them together as I had to separate their seats, they indulge in too much tomfoolery when seated together.  

They stuck stickers on both cheeks and sat down to lunch and Manav remarked
"Mommy this looks like lunch from school. Today we are in school and you are Ms Foley"
"No this is Mommy" Arnav says.

Then they had a ball with the stickers, sticking them on the carpet and trying to rip them off.

I have to do something about the camera giving these blurred motion pictures....and most of the time the kids are in motion or as the song in Manav's music class goes  " 'A' 'C' 'T' 'I' 'O' 'N'.....kids in Action"

They moved to the toy room to clean it up in anticipation of a "surprise treat" but as expected they started playing (see now I am a pro at tactics)

They love to build and Manav makes Arnav get the blocks and he builds. But today Arnav took possesion of the whole Lego table and Manav had no choice but to get the blocks for him. He did try
"Arnav where is the blue block, can you get it?"
"There, over there" still perched on his fort.
"Good eyes Arnav" Manav didn't seem to mind and that's usually the case when they are fed they are amenable to most of the rules.

Post nap it was football time. Coming to think of it, something is just not right today. Manav hasn't changed his attire even once after school. Anyways, today he chose to be the commentator
"Commander Arnav starts playing and here's a toooouchdoooowwwwn"
"Mommy the cowboys got a touchdown" Manav said
"Good for them" I said
"No, you need to watch the replay" and he ran extra slow and touch(ed)down on the couch but somehow in this replay Arnav got hurt.

So now Manav was the doctor and they went to the doctor's office by the gate and he said
"Arnav teamers don't laugh or cry when the doctor is fixing them" Arnav was very co-operative and they resumed play shortly. But Manav ran into Arnav while "tackling" the ball and hit his arm hard.
"Please don't hurt my T-shirt" Arnav yelled.
I went towards Manav and intended to put him in timeout and he said
"But football teamers do that Mommy....they hit and fall over each other" but I still didn't change my mind so he said
"Arnav do you want to be a crocodile and eat me ?" and someone preferred being devoured by a menacing croc than a timeout.  

Most of the evening was peaceful listening to 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'.

This was yesterday, sharing a light moment on their "safari" bus with Manav the bus driver showing animals and also serving coffee to Arnav the passenger. 

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